About Lauri

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A Happy Medium

About Lauri

From a young age, Lauri Albert has been interested in all aspects of Spirituality. Studying the world’s religions and developing a daily meditation practice allowed her to create a deep connection with her Spirit Guides which led to the development of her mediumship & intuitive gifts. Lauri has studied with multiple well-known psychic mediums such as Tony Stockwell, Robert Brown, Mavis Pattilla, Austyn Wells and James Van Praagh.

As a skilled Medium, Lauri’s most valued gift is uniting clients with their loved ones through her remarkable abilities to connect with the Spirit world. Sessions with Lauri may include connections with loved ones in Spirit, Spiritual guidance on matters of career, relationships & life issues, instruction on the development of individual Spiritual gifts or healings as directed by Spirit Guides. As directed by Spirit, Lauri is an experienced meditation teacher and loves empowering others through the joy of sitting in the stillness.

In January 2012, Lauri launched a weekly call-in podcast called “Lauri Albert – A Happy Medium” where she utilized her spiritual gifts to communicate with caller’s deceased loved ones, provide insight into the world of mediumship, intuition and spiritual development and inspire others to create the truly happy life that we all deserve!

Life is challenging…for everyone. Seeking guidance or healing from Spirit can be a surprising and amazing avenue in discovering the answers we seek.

Lauri is a Certified Masters of Wisdom & Meditation Teacher with davidji, an internationally recognized meditation teacher, stress-management expert and author. In becoming certified with davidji, she has begun to incorporate meditation as a primary tool in her readings, workshops and sessions.

Additionally, Lauri has created a podcast called "In the Flow with Lauri Albert" (found everywhere podcasts are available) as she continues to teach others how to cultivate their own positive and happy lifestyles and develop their own spiritual gifts should they choose to. Lauri aspires to spread the mindset of the power of pure unconditional love with the world.

As of May 2020, Lauri can be found as a Teacher on the largest and most popular meditation app, Insight Timer, leading meditations and is creating and uploading new content regularly.

Most recently, Lauri can add author to her list of credentials with the publication in December 2021 of her first book “Manifestation Journal for Beginners” where she teaches all aspects of manifestation and the art of learning to live the life that you truly desire.

Schedule a Reading with

Lauri Albert

* Please note that Lauri's readings or any of her services should never replace professional medical/legal/business advice.


What my clients say

Dana S.​

As far as mediums go, Lauri Albert is the real deal! With her intuitive and calming demeanor she could put anyone at ease. She did a reading for me and was patient, kind and thorough in her approach. We connected with my dear grandma who crossed the other side a few years ago, and it was a beautiful, touching experience I will never forget. I highly recommend this Happy Medium!

Nadeen T.

I have had quite a few readings from Lauri over the years. I have had individual readings and have hosted Spirit Nights at my house with some friends. One of my first readings, a very old dear friend of mine came through. Lauri told me some facts that I didn’t quite recall. I contacted my friend's sister and told her about my reading. She confirmed what Lauri had told me. Facts I didn’t remember her sister recalled. My friend's sister is now a fan and a listener to Lauri’s show as well.

Caren P.​

I have had several readings with Lauri. Every time, I have been left with a sense of awe, comfort and a belief that there is more to this life than what we think! Lauri facilitated a connection with my best friend that I lost over 30 years ago! I am so grateful that Lauri has this gift to share with the world!