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About Readings

What to Expect From
Your Mediumship Reading

Readings are $225 and usually last between 60 to 75 minutes.
They can take place on Zoom or by Phone.

All of my readings are Spirit led & directed sessions and include some or all of the following:

  • Mediumship Readings which are visits from your deceased loved ones

  • Spiritual Development guidance for those feeling an Awakening

  • Intuitive Advice, or Psychic Reading, from both your deceased loved ones AND our collective Spirit Guides.

What Is A Mediumship Reading?

A Mediumship reading is a session where a medium or psychic communicates with spirits from the spiritual realm. During the reading, the medium acts as a bridge between the living and the deceased, relaying messages, information, or guidance from the spirit world to the person seeking the reading. The medium may receive messages through various methods, such as clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairsentience (clear feeling) or clairaudience (clear hearing). Mediumship readings are often sought by individuals who wish to connect with departed loved ones, gain insight, or seek spiritual guidance.

For a fun history of Mediumship, click HERE.

Schedule a Reading with

Lauri Albert

* Readings by Lauri Albert are for insight into your personal life and do not in any way constitute medical, legal, tax or financial advice. By requesting and scheduling a reading, you understand and agree that Lauri Albert is not a medical professional, attorney, accountant or other licensed professional.


What my clients say

Dana S.​

As far as mediums go, Lauri Albert is the real deal! With her intuitive and calming demeanor she could put anyone at ease. She did a reading for me and was patient, kind and thorough in her approach. We connected with my dear grandma who crossed the other side a few years ago, and it was a beautiful, touching experience I will never forget. I highly recommend this Happy Medium!

Nadeen T.

I have had quite a few readings from Lauri over the years. I have had individual readings and have hosted Spirit Nights at my house with some friends. One of my first readings, a very old dear friend of mine came through. Lauri told me some facts that I didn’t quite recall. I contacted my friend's sister and told her about my reading. She confirmed what Lauri had told me. Facts I didn’t remember her sister recalled. My friend's sister is now a fan and a listener to Lauri’s show as well.

Caren P.​

I have had several readings with Lauri. Every time, I have been left with a sense of awe, comfort and a belief that there is more to this life than what we think! Lauri facilitated a connection with my best friend that I lost over 30 years ago! I am so grateful that Lauri has this gift to share with the world!